The good news doesn’t stop there as tourists in yellowstone chase enormous bison for pictures
The magnificent bison of Yellowstone National Park can reach a height of six feet at the shoulder and a weight of two thousand pounds. It makes reasonable that tourists would want to take pictures of these enormous animals, but occasionally wonder overrides common sense.
Photographs have emerged showing a dozen or so people swarming around a really big bull that is grazing by the side of the road. Many people can be seen sitting or standing with their backs to the animal in a video taken by photographer Logan Smith and posted on the controversial Instagram account TouronsOfYellowstone. This prevents them from seeing the changes in the animal’s body language that indicate its growing agitation.
One telltale sign of a bison is its tail position; if it’s elevated, you should leave the area right once.
The animal eventually loses patience and charges the unsuspecting crowd, jumping over a short barrier to land in the center of them. Fortunately, every guest managed to escape in time, avoiding being gored or knocked unconscious.
Not everyone who encounters a bison up close is as fortunate. Within a week of one other, the animals in US National Parks gored two women, leaving them with severe stomach injuries earlier this year.
As a matter of fact, more injuries at Yellowstone are attributed to bison than to any other species, including wolves and bears, according to the National Park Service (NPS).
According to the NPS’s safety recommendations for park visitors, “Give bison space when they are near a campsite, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area.” “If need be, turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in close proximity.”